So week three of the Let's Do 52 photography challenge has come and gone and here I am only just getting my photo up. To be fair, I took it on Saturday, but have only just managed to find time to sit and edit (and see if I could snap one that I liked better - it's a constant issue... ;-))
The theme I chose this week (of the two available) was White Space, which means empty space, not necessarily coloured white and here is my contribution to the theme...
My big girl had a birthday party on the weekend, which left the small one and I to our own devices, so we headed over to Nanny and Poppop's for a swim. On the way, I spied a big sign in the carpark of their local Bunnings store, announcing to the passing public that there was a bit of a fun weekend organised with a bouncy castle, baby animal farm and all the other stuff that gets the little ones all jumpy and excitable.
We quickly did a drive by to pick up Nanny and headed back to Bunnings, only to discover that the baby animal farm was scheduled for the following day, and the bouncy castle shenanigans weren't due to kick off for another hour...
Making the best of a less than ideal situation, we managed to scout out a face painter who had set up shop near the workshop area, so we jumped in line and waited our turn, only to be showered with gifts while we waited - a lolly bag and a t-shirt in the small girl's size proclaiming (truthfully or otherwise..) "My Dad's a Tradie". Bonus!
Turns out that Lindy (ask for her by name ;-)) was the most awesome face painter in the known universe, and the resulting (politely requested) "rainbow butterfly" is what you can see in the picture above. I positioned Soph in the stairwell of what seemed to be the staff room, judging by the handful of green-shirted folk that clambered past as I was snapping merrily away ;-) A nice expanse of rustic white space was provided by the worn treads...
Just for fun, here is a progress pic...
..and another back in the cool shade of Nanny's back patio...